Real Zorro

Mission - to challenge in East Devon. To hold elected representatives & their officials to account.

Friday 13 March 2015

Preferred bidder determined before decision to sell the Knowle made

Zorro sees from East Devon District Councillor Ian Thomas' blog that Pegasus Life have been given preferred bidder status to buy the Knowle.

Zorro is but a simple lad but none the less feels obliged to ask the obvious question -

How can anyone be afforded preferred bidder status before the 11 March Cabinet meeting, ahead of 12 March joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Audit & Governance Committee and 25 March full Council meetings have all (presumably) taken the decision to relocate from the Knowle and sell it and the associated land?

Surely even our North Korean approach to politics in East Devon can't go that far! Or can it?

Zorro is off for a lie down as his head hurts!

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