Real Zorro

Mission - to challenge in East Devon. To hold elected representatives & their officials to account.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Councillor Diviani savages local press bias

Zorro is starting to see some themes emerging from East Devon’s Conservatives. They have berated the electors for their stupidity in not realising that the only true defenders of democracy locally are the Conservative Party and its East Devon District Councillors, they have attacked the democratically elected East Devon Alliance Councillors for their temerity in challenging them, and now we have the local “left wing” press bias.

Zorro yesterday chastised ex- Conservative East Devon District Councillor Tony Howard for his criticism of that bastion of Soviet style reporting the Ottery Herald and Express for not publishing his recent ramblings in full in its newspaper.
Councillor "Kim Jong Un" Diviani. Seeing Reds under every bed!
Now we have EDDC Leader Councillor Paul “Kim Jong Un” Diviani sniping at the local press for its bias around the recent local elections. It seems that the East Devon Conservatives believe that the “left wing bias” that their Party constantly say pervades the corridors of the BBC has now managed to work its way down the A303 into the very heart of East Devon.
Pulman's View. Or is it really Socialist Worker?
In this week’s Pulman’s View newspaper the erstwhile editor Phillip Evans, in his editorial headlined “Ruffling Tory feathers”, takes Councillor “Kim” Diviani to task over his ridiculous and paranoid comments about the local press. Link to Pulman's View editorial -

Pulman's View Editor Phillip Evans. Clearly ruffling Tory feathers
As Phillip Evans says, he is a lifelong Conservative voter, and he is proud of his newspapers’ broad reporting of local political activity and events. Zorro is pleased to have an abundance of local newspapers within East Devon through which electors can be kept up to date with what is happening across the District. Zorro would be even happier if they all reported issues in the way that I would do, but that’s not how it works Councillor Diviani!

Maybe however “Kim” Diviani knows something that we don’t! Perhaps he has discovered that the editor of Pulman’s View is really a sleeper for some rabid anti establishment party such as the Socialist Workers Party!  Zorro will leave this up to readers to judge for themselves.

As Zorro suggested in yesterday’s posting, not only should ex-Conservative Councillor Tony Howard go and have a lie down in a darkened room, but perhaps Councillor “Kim” Diviani might want to join him too.

Any more from the East Devon Conservative ranks want to kick out at those who are deliberately undermining their true blue politics?

It’s still time for challenge!

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