Real Zorro

Mission - to challenge in East Devon. To hold elected representatives & their officials to account.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

The Knowle. It's ours. Let's keep it that way!

Ahead of this week's two important meetings about the future of  meeting of East Devon District Council's Headquarters offices at the Knowle in Sidmouth Zorro reflects upon the most recent coverage of the issue and what electors should think about on 7 May.

There are excellent updates on the proposed relocation and sale of  the Knowle in the latest edition of the Sidmouth Herald. The Herald reports the fact (see Zorro’s recent posting) that Pegasus Life Ltd are interested in buying the Knowle and associated land for £7m/£8m, to redevelop it to create “a groundbreaking development” according to Pegasus’ CEO.

EDDC Headquarters the Knowle. Owned by East Devon residents.

The CEO goes on to say that the company will be “excited to show these plans (for the redevelopment) in due course”. This seems to indicate that Pegasus is confident that the District Council will agree to sell the Knowle shortly. Does Pegasus know something that the rest of us don’t?

The herald article also reminds readers that if Pegasus were to take their development proposals forward then planning permission would need to be granted from, the same people who not only agree to sell the Knowle but also who in turn agree to who the Knowle is sold to.
Pegasus Life. Fancying its chances to snap up the Knowle.
Zorro muses where’s Graham Brown when you need him? He would have been an invaluable asset!

The Herald also updates us on the timing of the reconvened tribunal that is hearing an appeal by an elector to the Information Commissioner to force EDDC to release key documents that relate to its consideration of the need (or otherwise) to relocate and sell the Knowle.

The tribunal meets again on 20 March, just two working days before the full District Council will be asked to make the final decision on selling the Knowle. A decision from the tribunal is not expected on the day, and so it is highly likely that its decision will come after the District Council has made its decision. All very convenient! A timing that isn’t at all contrived then Councillor Diviani?
Clr Paul Diviani. Pushing ahead with getting rid of the Knowle.
Finally, and most helpfully the Herald takes us back to the 1880’s when the Knowle site played host to a hotel, and from an accompanying photograph it must have been a rather nice hotel. The Herald then treats us to a short history lesson of the Knowle which includes a timely reminder that the site was purchased in 1967 by the then Sidmouth Urban District Council.

The various Herald articles are all available at –

On 11 March the District Council's Cabinet meets to, amongst other matters, consider the future of the Knowle. This is followed on 12 March by a joint meeting of its Overview & Scrutiny Committee and the Audit & Governance Committee. These will consider the Cabinet's recommendations and in turn make recommendations to the full extraordinary Council meeting on 25 March.

So, public money was used to buy the site in 1967. Therefore, it is owned and run on behalf of the residents of East Devon.

Who’s not had a say in the potential sale of the Knowle? Yes, the residents.

Who have objected to the sale of the Knowle? Yes, the residents.

Who vote in the District Council elections on 7 May? Yes, the residents.

 It’s time to join up the dots!

The ballot box. Weapon of choice for East Devon electors.
It’s time for change! It’s time for challenge!

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