Real Zorro

Mission - to challenge in East Devon. To hold elected representatives & their officials to account.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

No surprise in EDDC Cabinet decision (North Korean style) on the Knowle

What can Zorro say? Perhaps it was obvious!

Last night the Conservative majority group on East Devon District Council used the full might of its power to ensure that the Council’s Cabinet pushed through a decision to support the disposal of its Headquarters at the Knowle in Sidmouth.

EDDC Cabinet. Respecting the wishes of its electorate
This is a decision that will cost the Conservatives dearly at the forthcoming District Council elections, not to mention the general election. It is apparent that the current Conservative majority on the District Council are determined to ensure that the formal decision to relocate its Headquarters and to sell the Knowle site is all done and dusted ahead of the 7 May elections.

The local electorate don’t want the Knowle to go. Opposition Councillors, local campaign groups and local business don’t want it either. But regardless the Conservative majority group plough on with making sure the formal decision is taken ahead of the elections.
EDDC Headquarters, the Knowle. Going, going.....
And to add insult to injury Council Leader Paul Diviani at last night’s Cabinet meeting blamed a local campaign group Save Our Sidmouth for the lower than expected indication from Pegasus Life of what it would be willing to pay for the site!
Pegasus Life. Blame the public for its low valuation of the Knowle
So, the Conservative majority group on the District Council determinedly intend to sell the Knowle and it’s the public’s fault that the anticipated income that would be raised from the sale looks likely to fall below what Councillor “Kim Jong Un” Diviani expected to be able to sell it for!

Zorro has said it before. Zorro will say it again. The breathtaking political arrogance of Councillor “Kim” Diviani and his Conservative Councillor colleagues on the District Council is beyond belief!
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Separated at birth

EDDC Leader Clr Paul Diviani. Separated at birth
We move on tonight to the next step in this farce that passes for local democracy – the joint meeting of East Devon District Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee and the Audit & Governance Committee as they consider the future of the Knowle and the decision of last night’s Cabinet meeting.

Zorro is confident that the odds on Hugo Swire retaining his seat at the general election will be much longer than any odds Ladbrokes would give on the outcome of tonight’s joint meeting.
Ladbrokes. Won't give great odds on outcome at tonight's meeting
The electors in East Devon must send a very clear and unambiguous message to the East Devon Conservatives at the polls on 7 May. Enough is enough!

7 May ballot box. Electorate will have its say

It’s time for change! It’s time for challenge!

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