Real Zorro

Mission - to challenge in East Devon. To hold elected representatives & their officials to account.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Hunt Real Zorro out at tonight's #EDDC Council Meeting!

Real Zorro is a sucker for an #EDDC Council meeting and today''s won't be an exception.  Watching the  massed ranks of the Politburo in all their glory masquerading as the  Conservative Group is a wonderous sight.

This is real old style Soviet politics in action. Hands going up in unison as the opposition is steam rollered. And there falls another  attempt by those pesky Independents to undermine the ruling elite of #EDDC political life.

So,  I shall sneak into watch the farce that passes for local democracy (in)action. Now here's the exciting part! I shall be incognito! Aren't I underhand!

I am offering two prizes for the first people, and here I will be democratic and allow Conservative a Councillors to join in, who -
(1) take a selfie with me and post it via my twitter account and/or,
(2) comes up to me and says out loud "You are Real Zorro and I claim my prize".

Don't be shy, join in tomorrow evening in outing me at the Council meeting! I can take it!

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