Real Zorro

Mission - to challenge in East Devon. To hold elected representatives & their officials to account.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Spring is in the air - time to display Claire!

Perhaps you are thinking that it’s about time you displayed your public support for Claire Wright in the forthcoming election! Perhaps you were wondering how you could do so!

There are a number of ways to do so, including -

Claire Wright has some A1 correx panels which are attached to wooden stakes. These are ideal for placing in your garden, particularly if you live somewhere where others will pass by on foot, cycle, car or bus. The panel looks like –
This panel will catch everyone's attention in your garden this Spring!
Claire Wright has produced an A3 size election posters (twice as big as the normal paper size that most of us print out from our computers on to) that you can place in your home window or in the back of your car window. Claire also has copies of this A3 size poster available in laminated plastic making it ideal for posting outdoors.
No home should be without one of these on display!
Claire Wright is always in need of volunteers to help deliver her election leaflets across the East Devon Constituency. You don’t just have to stick to volunteering to deliver in your own locality! There will be a need to get Claire’s message out to every household right up to polling day on 7 May.
These rosettes say it all really - vote Independent!
If you can help Claire Wright’s campaign in any of the ways identified above, or in any other way, however small, then you can contact her at

It’s time for change! It’s time for challenge!

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